How to Effectively Heat and Cool Older Homes

Older homes are things of beauty, but the structural differences as compared to their modern counterparts make them difficult to efficiently heat and cool. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose one or the other–you just have to be smart with your HVAC choices.

For Efficient Heating

A lot of older homes already have radiators in place, so a quick way to ensure efficient heating is to simply upgrade to a more modern radiator. What about boiler repair? When in-room radiator units are still in good condition, installing a new boiler rather than repairing the old one can be the more practical choice for addressing a home’s heating requirements.

Modulating-condensing boilers are great for this purpose because they offer better efficiency than older models, heating only the water needed to warm the home instead of heating everything in the unit at once. This offers the added benefit of conserving energy, helping you save on utility costs while still making sure your heating requirements are met.

For Effective Cooling

A lot of older properties were built long before air conditioners were standard in homes. As such, they don’t have the ductwork in place to accommodate present-day forced-air cooling systems, making traditional central cooling and control systems the best choice for older homes. More specifically, the following:

  • High-Velocity HVAC Systems – These systems use a dedicated heating and cooling unit connected to a mini-duct system to offer needed heating and cooling throughout the home.

  • Ductless Mini-Split HVAC Systems – These systems utilize exterior heat pumps hooked up to interior air handling units to directly distribute regulated air to living spaces, and are ideal for zoned cooling.

Air Comfort, Inc. has been a trusted source of effective heating and cooling solutions since 1961. From HVAC units to heater repair, we offer a range of products and services to address your heating and cooling needs. To learn more about what we can do for you, just give us a call at (330) 510-2446 or fill out our online contact form. Talk to us today! We serve Akron, OH, and nearby communities.

Categories: hvac
Ted Mumma: