Common Gas Furnace Problems and How to Fix Them

Your gas furnace plays an important role in maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. Any malfunction can compromise the circulation of warm air within your home, and if left unaddressed could lead to unexpected repairs and the early failure of your equipment.

In today’s blog, one of the top heater repair companies in the local area, Air Comfort, Inc., discusses the most common problems with conventional gas furnaces, as well as the corresponding solutions.

Inadequate Heat

Furnaces only produce one thing—heat. Failing to produce heat in the amounts necessary to achieve ideal indoor temperatures means there’s something wrong with certain components of the system. For example, the batteries may be running low and require replacement, or the circuit breakers could need to be repaired. Sometimes, even something as simple as checking that the thermostat is set on the right temperature can fix the issue.

Overactive Equipment

Furnaces are meant to turn off on their own once they reach the temperature to which the thermostat is set. If your furnace starts turning on and off frequently, not only will the consistent comfort of your home be disrupted, the continual cycling could cause long-term damage to the unit and increase energy consumption. Malfunctioning thermostats and dirty air filters are two of the common causes of overactive gas furnaces. Allow our boiler repair pros to inspect your furnace and address these issues.


Furnaces should not only produce heat, but also work in a smooth, quiet manner. When odd noises are heard coming from the equipment, this usually indicates a problem. Squealing, banging, thumping and scraping are some examples of the type of sounds you may hear that mean the furnace could be having issues with its interior components. Identifying the underlying problem can be quite difficult, which is why you need a certified HVAC pro for proper diagnosis and repairs.

Air Comfort, Inc. employs a team of experienced, factory-certified technicians to handle installation, service and repair. We work on residential heating and cooling systems as well as commercial HVAC control systems. Call (330) 510-2446 or fill out our contact form to request an estimate. We serve Kent, OH.

Categories: hvac
Ted Mumma: